Clever WooCommerce AJAX Product Filter Download 🛍️🔍
Introducing Clever WooCommerce AJAX Product Filter, an advanced product filtering solution for your WooCommerce shop. Our built-in AJAX Product Filter functionality provides a seamless user experience on both desktop and mobile devices, enhancing your customers’ shopping experience.
Read More: Digital Products Bazar
Key Features:
Advanced Product Filtering: Adds advanced product filtering to your WooCommerce shop, allowing customers to narrow down their product selection effortlessly.
AJAX Load: Navigation process is not interrupted by reloads after each attribute selection, providing a smooth and uninterrupted shopping experience.
Attribute Multi-Select: Allows customers to select multiple attributes of a single filter simultaneously, unlike native functionality.
Filter by Reviews and Ratings: Enables customers to filter products by reviews and ratings, helping them find highly-rated products quickly.
Range Slider for Numeric Attributes: Apply Range Slider display mode for various numeric attributes like price, weight, memory size, etc., making store usage more convenient.
From-To Widget for Numeric Attributes: Display price ranges or let customers specify minimal and maximal price limits with a handy widget.
Advanced Brand Navigation: Filter products by brand in the navigation block, providing customers with an intuitive way to find exactly what they need.
Sidebar and Widget Support: Full support for all themes in sidebar mode with vertical and horizontal navigation options.
Variation Swatches Filter Support: This feature requires the CleverSwatches plugin to be installed on your site.
CleverSwatches Compatibility: Variation Swatches Filter supported; requires the CleverSwatches plugin to be installed on your site.
Popular Theme Support: Tested with popular themes including Avada, Flatsome, Salient, Porto, Shopkeeper, X, Mr. Tailor, Electro, Savoy, Jupiter, Xstore, EmallShop, WoodMart, Vitrine, Unero, Bronx.
Support and Updates: Documentation Included, Updates included
Personalized Support: Not included
Compatible Versions: Tested up to version 5.1
Commercial License: Yes
Detailed Features:
Product selection may be narrowed down to show PRICE, NEW, ON-SALE, and IN-STOCK items.
Attribute multi-select allows several attributes of a single filter to be selected at the same time.
No intermediary page reloads.
AJAX Load:
Navigation process is not interrupted by reloads after each attribute selection.
Filter by Reviews and Ratings:
Enables customers to filter products by reviews and ratings.
Range Slider Display Option for Numeric Attributes:
Apply Range Slider display mode for various numeric attributes like price, weight, memory size, etc.
Sliders take up less space in the navigation block, making the navigation more compact.
From-To Widget for Numeric Attributes:
Display price ranges or let customers specify minimal and maximal price limits with a handy widget.
Possible to show the ‘from-to’ widget together with other price filter types.
Advanced Options for Navigation by Brand:
Filter products by brand in the navigation block.
Provide customers with an intuitive way to find exactly what they need.
Sidebar and Widget WooCommerce Product Filters:
Full support for all themes in sidebar mode.
Vertical and horizontal navigation options.
Variation Swatches Filter Support:
This feature requires the CleverSwatches plugin to be installed on your site.
Elevate your WooCommerce shop with the Clever WooCommerce AJAX Product Filter. Its advanced filtering options, seamless AJAX load, and user-friendly interface make it the perfect choice for enhancing your customers’ shopping experience. – #AdvancedFilteringWooCommerceProductFilter #AdvancedWooCommerceProductFilterPlugin #AJAXLoad #AttributeMulti-Select #BrandNavigation #Built-InWidgetsWooCommerceProductFilter #CleverWooCommerceAJAXProductFilter #CleverSwatchesPlugin #CommercialLicenseWooCommerceProductFilter #CompatibleWooCommerceProductFilter #CSSWooCommerceProductFilter #CustomerExperience #CustomizableWooCommerceProductFilter #DocumentationIncludedWooCommerceProductFilter #E-commerceEfficiency #E-commerceOptimization #E-commerceProductFilterPlugin #E-commerceSolutions #EasytoUseWooCommerceProductFilter #EfficientWooCommerceProductFilter #EnhancedWooCommerceProductFilter #FilterbyRatings #FilterbyReviews #FilterOptimization #FlexibleWooCommerceProductFilter #From-ToWidget #HTMLWooCommerceProductFilter #JSWooCommerceProductFilter #NumericAttributes #OnlineShoppingEfficiency #ProductDisplay #ProductFilter #ProductFilterEfficiency #ProductFilterPlugin #ProductOrganization #ProductSearchOptimization #RangeSlider #RetailEfficiency #RetailOptimization #RetailSolutions #SeamlessWooCommerceProductFilter #ShoppingExperience #SidebarFilter #Testeduptoversion5.1WooCommerceProductFilter #UpdatesIncludedWooCommerceProductFilter #UserExperience #User-FriendlyWooCommerceProductFilter #VariationSwatchesFilter #WidgetSupport #WooCommerce #WooCommerceProductFilterPlugin #Theme #WoocommerceTheme