Hunted Editorial Magazine Blog Theme Download, WP Themes FT. Article & Blogging
Introducing Hunted Editorial Magazine Blog Theme Download designed to meet the expectations of an editorial magazine site. Perfect for presenting rich content in a compact and engaging way, Hunted is ideal for stories, daily articles, fashion news, decoration tips, hangout advice, and more. With its mobile-friendly and responsive design, along with a variety of customizable features, Hunted ensures your content stands out.
Top Features:
Mobile Friendly & Responsive Design: Ensures your site looks great on all devices.
Hunted Slider: A sleek slider with 3 different styles and positions: Fullwidth, Cover, Among the Posts.
7 Different Blog Layout Options: Includes 1 Column, 1 Column + Sidebar, 2 Columns, 2 Columns + Sidebar, (1 + 2) Columns + Sidebar, 3 Columns, and (2 + 3) Columns Fullwidth versions.
Unlimited Header Views: Customize with additional settings like paddings, logo size, sticky header trigger time, etc.
Leaderboard Banner Management System: Place up to 5 different banners into 15 different positions.
Combinable Listing Styles: Use and combine different styles for indexed views or widgets.
Sponsored Posts: Mark your post widgets as sponsored or promoted.
Authorized Posts: Embed 2 of the latest (or random) posts of the author into the text on post pages.
Separated Sidebars: Use different sidebars for Blog Homepage, Archive Pages, Pages, and Post Pages.
Post Format Based Sidebar: Hide the sidebar on specific post formats, such as gallery posts.
Fixed Sidebar (Q2W3 Fixed Widget Support)
9 Widget Areas: Includes Sidebar-Blog Homepage, Sidebar-Archive, Sidebar-Page, Sidebar-Post, Header Widgets, Upper Widgets, Blog Homepage Widgets, Footer Widgets, and WooCommerce Widgets.
13 Custom Widgets
WooCommerce Support
Font Options: Includes all Google Fonts and allows the use of 3 different fonts simultaneously.
Translation via Customizer: Easy translation without dealing with language files. Includes a .pot file for manual translations.
Very Well Organized Customizer: Show/Hide/Change almost everything with ease.
Super Light Structure and High Performance: Ensures optimal performance on any platform.
Easy Usage: No coding knowledge required.
Other Features:
Demo Content Included
Separated Demo Content for WooCommerce
Child Theme Included
Fullwidth Layout Option
Featured Image Settings
5 Post Formats: Standard, Gallery, Video, Aside, and Link
Sticky Header
Column Options for Widgetized Areas
Unlimited Color Options
Background Image Available
19 Social Accounts Available including VK
Contact Form 7 Support
MailChimp for WP Support
Instagram Slider Widget Support
Google Maps
SEO Optimized
W3C Validated
What Hunted Users Say:
“No doubt the theme is best, what really impressed me is the support by the author and team. Keep up the good work guys!” – onlinegeek
“Great theme and great job by Burnhambox. Easy to use and easy to customize. WHAT ELSE!” – philippefreelance
“Easy to understand documentation and setting options, nice design. Everything is great.” – vschmalbach
Support and Updates: Documentation included, updates included, personalized support not included.
File Types: CSS, JS
Addition: Responsive
Compatible With: Gutenberg, WooCommerce
Compatible Versions: Tested up to version 5.8
Commercial License
– #ArticleBlogging #BlogTheme #ContentPresentation #CustomizableLayouts #EasyCustomization #EditorialMagazine #GutenbergCompatible #HuntedTheme #Mobile-Friendly #ResponsiveDesign #SEOOptimized #WooCommerceSupport #WordPressPlugins #WordPressTheme #Theme