Growthy Growth Hacking and Marketing Agency Elementor Template Kit Download: Elevate Your Agency’s Online Presence! 🚀✨

Introducing Growthy Growth Hacking and Marketing Agency Elementor Template Kit Download designed to help you quickly and easily create a professional website for your growth hacking and marketing agency using the Growthy Growth Hacking and Marketing Agency Elementor Template Kit Download. This kit has been optimized for use with the free Hello Elementor theme but can also be used with most themes that support Elementor.
Key Features:

Using Free Plugins: No need for Elementor Pro; this kit utilizes free plugins for full functionality.
Modern & Clean Design: Features a sleek and modern aesthetic that captivates visitors and enhances your brand’s image.
10+ Pre-Designed Pages: Includes a variety of pre-designed pages ready to use for different sections of your website.
14+ Ready-to-Use Templates: Offers a range of pre-built templates to suit your needs.
Fully Responsive Layout: Ensures your website looks great on all devices, from desktops to smartphones and tablets.
Retina Ready: Ensures your website looks sharp on retina screens.
Fully Customizable: Easily customize your website to match your brand’s unique style and preferences.
Cross-Browser Compatibility: Works seamlessly across all major browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera.

Templates Included:

Home 1
Home 2
About Us
Contact 1
Contact 2
Case Studies
Case Studies Detail
Single Post
MetForm Inquiry
MetForm Contact
Global Theme Style

Required Plugins (installed automatically):

ElementsKit Lite
Jeg Elementor Kit

How to Install:

Install and Activate the Envato Elements Plugin:

Go to Plugins > Add New in WordPress.
Search for “Envato Elements” and install and activate the plugin.
Activate your subscription to access premium kits.

Download and Upload the Template Kit:

Download your kit file from Envato and do not unzip it.
Go to Elements > Installed Kits and click the Import Kit button.

Install Requirements:

Before importing a template, ensure the Install Requirements button is clicked to activate required plugins.

Import Global Kit Styles:

Click Import on the Global Kit Styles first. This will set up the site settings.

Import Templates:

Click Import on one template at a time. These are stored in Elementor under Templates > Saved Templates.

Create and Edit Pages:

Go to Pages and create a new page, then click Edit with Elementor.
Click the gear icon at the lower-left of the builder to view page settings and choose Elementor Full Width and hide the page title.
Click the gray folder icon to access the My Templates tab and then import the page you’d like to customize.

How to Import Metforms:

Import the Metform Block Templates:

In the WordPress menu, go to Metform, click Add New, give it a name, then scroll down and click the Edit Content button at the bottom.
Click the ‘Add Template’ gray folder icon.
Click the ‘My Templates’ tab.
Choose your imported Metform template, then click ‘Insert’ (click No for page settings).

Customize the Form:

Once the template is loaded, make any desired customizations and click ‘Update’, then return to the admin.
Go to Elements > Installed Kits, import and view the template where the form appears.
Right-click the page to open the Navigator and locate the Metform widget.
Click Edit Form in the builder panel, and your form should be there in the dropdown. Click Edit Form and Update/Close. Your form should appear.

This Growthy Growth Hacking and Marketing Agency Elementor Template Kit Download uses demo images from Envato Elements. You will need to license these images from Envato Elements to use them on your website, or you can substitute them with your own. – #DigitalMarketing #Growth #growthhack #growthhacker #growthhackermarketing #growthhacking #growthhacking2023 #growthhackingcourse #growthhackingexamples #growthhackingmarketing #growthhackingmarketingstrategy #growthhackingstrategy #growthhackingtechniques #growthhackingtools #growthmarketing #growthmarketingcourse #growthmarketingmanager #growthmarketingstrategies #Marketing #whatisgrowthhacking #whatisgrowthmarketing #Elementor #TemplateKit

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