Empty Clothes Stand Silver Metal Garment Rack with Wooden Hangers Download, Incl. Clothes & Freestanding

Introducing the Empty Clothes Stand Silver Metal Garment Rack with Wooden Hangers Download, a sleek and stylish solution for garment storage. This garment rack features a silver metal frame with a rectangular design, contrasted by black caster wheels and connecting joints. Four pale wooden hangers are included, ready to hold your clothing. The rack’s simple design and mobile base make it easy to move around and provide convenient garment storage.
Key Features:

Sleek Design: Silver metal frame with a rectangular design and black caster wheels.
Portable: Mobile base for easy portability.
Included Hangers: Four pale wooden hangers for holding clothing.
High-Quality Textures: Detailed textures for a realistic appearance.
Versatile Use: Perfect for home, retail, and display purposes.


File Types: OBJ, MTL, PNG, FBX, TGA
File Size: 30.1 MB
Textures Included: Yes
Rigged: No
Animated: No
Polycount: 19.3K polygons
Commercial License: Included

Further Information:
This garment rack is designed to meet the needs of individuals and businesses looking for a stylish and functional storage solution. Whether you’re organizing your closet at home or displaying clothing in a retail setting, this silver metal garment rack with wooden hangers offers the perfect blend of style and practicality. – #3DModel #CasterWheels #ClothingRack #CommercialLicense #EmptyClothesStand #FBX #GarmentStorage #High-QualityTextures #HomeOrganization #MetalFrame #MTL #OBJ #PNG #PortableStorage #RetailDisplay #SilverMetalGarmentRack #TGA #WoodenHangers #3D

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